A Fool with a Tool is still a Fool (2023 Update)

My most popular article A Fool with a Tool is still a Fool, posted 7th June 2018 needs an update.

Let’s accept that a CRM is not designed to help sales people do their job (i.e. bringing in new customers). It has always been a management and reporting tool for their bosses.

I have seen some crazy stuff on how companies have turned a reasonably functional CRM tool into a steaming pile of dog 💩. You know its lost when the the sales reps resort to updating 3*5 cards instead.

If you want to help sales, then make the CRM user-friendly for the sales people. Think of ways to gamify or at least simplify the data capture.

Do not turn your sales people into expensive clerks. They should be working on deals, not data entry.

Improving the user experience will improve the quality of data which can only help companies to better function.