How to identify the Economic Buyer Influence (EBI)

Earlier in my career, I came across Miller Heiman training that continues to help me today. It’s their approach to identifying all the buyer influences within a customer organisation.

In a company there are so many opinions about what to do. It is easy to get stuck with someone that you like, but is not going to get you the deal.

For me the EBI or Economic Buyer Influence is standout. Until you have identified who is the EBI at your customer organisation, you have no understanding of the situation or your ability to influence their decision making.

The EBI has the most influence over the company spend to purchase what you are selling.

Here is another chestnut. The EBI is not always the most senior person in the organisation. It might be the receptionist! It all depends on their level of influence over the company’s ability to spend money. So the EBI does not need to BE the boss, but has the ability to get the boss to empathise with their perspective and buyer preferences.

Until you know who the EBI is and her preferences and perspective, you have no idea. It is like hunting while blindfolded. It’s theoretically possible you will be success, but more luck than anything else.