Demonstrating results when you have nothing to show

About 10 years ago I was working for a US-owned company that was seeking to expand the number of customers for its niche logistics software product. 

Typical with complex enterprise products, the sales cycle was slow..  

About 5 months into the assignment, my sales manager became agitated, because his boss (and probably a few others) were keen to see what progress the global sales team was making. Sales had been slower than predicted. 

You might find yourself in a similar situation with your investors. 

I responded by outlining my process for prospecting and building up opportunities. I also shared a copy of the hundreds of letters and phone calls I had been making.

Everything was there for them to see what I had been doing.  

After reviewing my activities and opportunities, my manager was satisfied that I was on the right track.   

In summary: 

  • Draft up your sales approach. Outline how you will get your sales targets.  
  • Keep a track of all your activities that are designed to lead to sales. 

Remember that the right activities lead to sales. It’s as simple as cause and effect! 
