I recently completed reading Richard Branson’s latest book, Finding my Virginity (2017).
I remember seeing Richard Branson at a small, temporary Sydney baggage terminal in 2000 when he launched Virgin Blue (now Virgin Australia). He looked calm and exuded great confidence!
I was in my early 20’s and had a strong desire to introduce myself.
To my regret I backed down and continued on with my transit without speaking to him. Who was I to approach a billionaire?
This opportunity I suppose may have opened the door to a fantastic career with Virgin.
In reading Branson’s biography of that time, it’s clear his fledgling company Virgin Blue was under a lot of pressure. It’s future was not yet certain.
Three lessons I have taken from that time:
- Always be positive and optimistic. The job of an entrepreneur is to help everyone catch your vision.
- Pressure is a normal part of an entrepreneur’s life. Expect to have it, but don’t let it control you.
- If you see an opportunity, take it! Don’t check yourself. Forget about your fears or any lack of confidence.