Make your customer feel they are the boss!
Prior to making purchases with the family budget, my wife and I will first consult one other.
But when I entered a gym I made an exception.
Prior to making a scheduled appointment with the gym for a tour, I was determined to not make any snap purchases.
However so great was my positive experience with the gym, listening to empowering music, the interest the manager had in me, I felt important!
So important that I was confident to make a decision now and dispense with consulting my wife - bad move.
Robert Cialdini in his book, Pre-Suasion explain how the things we immediately experience before a decision had a higher weight of influence on us. The gym gave me a feeling of self empowerment. Enough for me to make a quick decision. s
In your startup or business, what are you doing to make your potential customers feel more empowered?
Here are some thoughts:
Always prioritise listen and empathise with your customer. It is always about them and not you.
If you have done a good job in the first part, your sales message should align with what your customer is wanting to achieve.
Most important - do not over sell. Allow them to come to you. By doing that they well have the feeling of control over their decision making.
The foundation of your selling is impacted by what happens before you sell. Make them feel like they are the boss!