How to present your sales pitch in five slides
Startups give too much information in their sale pitch.
This might feel therapeutic for the founder, but it can kill the sale because too much information will confuse and distract the buyer.
Instead you want to present a simple message that gets your customers thinking about the value they can get from your product or services.
Here is one approach using five simple slides:
- About your organisation (size, age, customers).
- List the products or services you sell.
- Summarise the value this brings to your customers.
- Provide 3 short stories or case studies that illustrate that value. Limit each story to 30 seconds.
- Explain the process you usually take with onboarding customers. You could explain your basic terms, support offered and other initiatives you think they might be interested in.
The last slide is a good way to get the customer thinking about how the product would work within their organisation. It also allows you to ask the most important question of the entire meeting: What is their decision-making process?
KIS = Keep it Simple!